Left Ventricular Modelling

‌‌Mathematical modelling of left ventricular  still remains a great challenging due to its multi-scale, multi-physics and subject-specific nature.

  • Multi-scale: cellular levle calcium dynamics, myocyte active contraction, ...


Figure 1, Illustration of multi-scale nature of heart mechanics

  • Multi-physics: blood flow mechanics (fluid mechanics), nonliear soft tissue mechanics (solid mechanics), electrophysiological activities, etc, and their interactions, ...


Figure 2, Illustration of multi-physics nature of heart mechanics 

  • Subject-specific: goemetry, boundary conditions, material parameters (active and passive), ...

We are using a recent version of  immersed boundary method developed by Boyce E. Griffith from New York Univeristy, USA for subject specific left ventricle modelling, from clinical images to in-sillico models, from cellular level  active contraction to LV pumping, etc. The followed animation shows the LV model is contracting from end of diastole to end of systole for a healthy subject, superimposed with LVOT CMR images, the model is working well compared the in-vivo images.

 ‌‌LV endocardial surface from simulations superimposed CMR images from a healthy volunteer study

Figure 3, deformed LV endocardial surface from end-diastole to end-systole


Figure 4, a numerical simulation of a healthy young male heart. Left: vortex forming inside ventricular chamber during diastole; right: strong jet flow in the aorta during systole.